Blogs by Plymouth Students

I’m always looking for new blogs to read. It’s always good to have fresh talent, with a fresh viewpoint, otherwise it can all start to become a bit self-referential and echo chamberish. So I was delighted when Pete Yeomans recently drew my my attention to a website that collates the blogs written by students on the University of Plymouth’s B.Ed course.

readingI’ve already referred to a great post by Megan Douglas, on her experience of Twitter. Another student, Kelly Holborow, let me know about her blog, which looks interesting. Kelly’s first post was about a wooden school in Uganda. Replete with photographs, the article provides interesting insights into a different approach to education to the one we’re used to. Some of the practices are bound to raise some eyebrows, but then, as Kelly says, the pupils feel “just pleased to be in school as many don't get the opportunity”. The post is largely descriptive, but any thoughts I may have had about Kelly’s not being challenging enough were dismissed by her second post, entitled Support, communication and motivation. This is definitely worth a read if, like me, you sometimes wonder how all of us adults managed to survive into adulthood at all!

I’m looking forward to reading more posts by Megan, Kelly, and other Plymouth students in the coming days and weeks.