Dates for your diary

Before you go offline for the summer, here are a few dates you might like to pencil into your diary. They are events which you are bound to find useful in your educational ICT work.

Why technology goes wrong

This is the title of a talk being given this evening by Tony Sheppard. It should be good, because Tony knows a lot about the technical side of things. Like I said yesterday, he’s a key member of the online community Edugeek.

The discussion begins at 7pm UK time Tuesday 26th July, and you can access it by clicking on this link: Why Technology Goes Wrong. Use the timezone converter to find out what time it is where you  are.

Please tweet this event! Hashtag: #vitalcpd

To view the recording of this session, please click the link below:

View the Elluminate Live! recording

The Reform Symposium

This huge online conference takes place from Friday, July 29 to Sunday, July 31/August 1 (depending on your time zone) 2011. To quote the Reform Symposium website,

With more than 75 presentations and 12 keynote speakers it is sure to be an incredible event! Organised by educators for educators.

One of those educators is the seemingly indefatigable Shelly Terrell. Shelly kindly invited me to give a talk, which will be on the topic of 20 or so incredibly useful tools/applications/websites for people whose job it is to manage ICT in some capacity. Everything mentioned is based on my own experience – over a long period of time, not a 15 minute review!

I’ve called the talk “20 Tools in 40 Minutes”, mainly because I think that it’s always good to leave time for questions and discussion if possible, although it could well end up as 25 tools in 50 minutes. It takes place on Saturday 30th July at 09:30 UK time. Click on this link to join the webinar.

Do check out the other brilliant speakers over the course of the three days, including Carol Rainbow, who will be talking on the topic of e-safety and social networks. Her talk is entitled Who goes there, friend or foe? and takes place at 11:00 on the 30th July.

To see the whole schedule in your own time zone, check out this online spreadsheet.

Please tweet this event! Hashtag: #RSCON3

Collaborate for Change

Having run this new-style event at the BETT show in January 2011, we’re running it again on the evening of 17th November 2011. The format was different, edgy, and just what the doctor ordered (as you can see from the feedback we had). The format is going to be slightly different this time, but basically it will involve attendees choosing table sessions and/or talks to attend. The table sessions will take the form of a 20 minute discussion, and the talks will be more like a ten minute exposition/rant/suggestions. This time there will also be on online element. The tickets will be free, but limited, because of fire regulations. Look out for more information about this stupendous event soon.

Please tweet this event! Hashtag: #C84C

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