3 “Top 10” educational technology resources for teachers and students

David Andrade has been putting together some “top ten” resources lists over at his blog, Educational Technology Guy. These are well worth reading.

In his first post, covering his top 10 resources for teachers, lists several tools or applications which many people will already know about (but still look at the post in case you don’t). But the tenth one, the personal learning network or PLN is excellent. Not so much an application, but a link to a post containing information about David’s own PLN, this lists several forums and groups which are worth exploring further. Basically, if you have been thinking about creating or expanding your own PLN, but wasn’t sure where to start, this post will save you a lot of research time.

David’s second list concerns resources for students. This contains a few excellent links, especially to assignment and homework collaboration sites.

Finally, the top ten Google resources contains few surprises to “old hands”, but represents an excellent starting point for any of your colleagues wanting to start dipping their toes in the water.

All in all, these three posts should be bookmarked, ready to be recommended to colleagues, and to act as an aide memoir for yourself. The especially useful aspect of these posts is that David doesn’t merely list the applications, but writes a few words about each of them too. Also, it is clear that his recommendations are very much based on his own experience.