Progress report on the writing website

A little while ago I reported in Computers in Classrooms and here that I had started a new blog. Called “Writers’ Know-How”, its mission, if I may use so strong a word, is to make technology for writers more accessible. Clearly, the term “writers” includes bloggers of all descriptions, and the focus on technology will have relevance to teachers too.

The site has already featured a series called 13 things you didn’t know about Word, which seemed to go down quite well. At the moment I’m running a series called Research sites for writers, in which I’m reviewing potentially useful sites like search engines and reference sites.

Not all of it is deadly serious. For example, there is an article on how to write upside-down on your computer, and only today I published an article which featured a fake graph generator!

I am also pleased to report that, at least at the moment (cross fingers and touch wood) I am managing to post an article a day. I have found that it’s extremely important to get into a routine of writing at least one article per blog per day. I don’t mind because it’s a labour of love: I find writing to be good therapy!

Do spend a few minutes checking it out: Writers’ Know-How. Thank you.