Teaching Yourself Chinese Through the Internet: Honourable Mentions

In this series, taken from the Computers in Classrooms newsletter, Adrienne Blaser has been evaluating websites designed to help people learn Mandarin. In this final article she lists other sites which are worth exploring.



http://www.mangolanguages.com/ -- check your local library to see if they are registered




http://www.nciku.com/ --- this site is a great dictionary Chinese to English and English to Chinese -- helpful for extra studying

Adrienne Blaser is 14 years old. She plays tennis, the violin and loves to read. She one day hopes to learn many languages, hopefully one being Chinese, which she is currently teaching herself.

If you have enjoyed reading this series, please leave a note for Adrienne to that effect. Thanks!

The other articles in the series 

Teaching Yourself Chinese Through the Internet - LiveMocha

Teaching Yourself Chinese Through the Internet: ChinesePod

Teaching Yourself Chinese Through the Internet: Zon